Divisions & Squadrons

Applied Sciences Department (ASD) - Applied Sciences Department came to fruition due to expeditionaries determining that research and construction matters were highly interlinked and those matters being part of seperate divisions did not suffice. Overseeing all types of research and construction matters, from acquisition of an infantry rifle blueprint to building Extra Large outposts by Pioneer-class Heavy Constructors, ASD is the lifeline of Terra Star Expeditionary's self-sufficiency and apex of TSE's primary mission: Making colonization accessible.

Engineer Corps - Be it newly constructed outposts or that one Drake rustbucket Expeditionaries love, they can't function without a solid team of engineers, damage control teams and production chains. Engineer Corps ensures that TSE always have a way to ensure every piece of equipment under use lasts to the test of time. EC tends to work hand-to-hand with every other division and utilizes even converted salvage ships as field repair ships, since they are dependant on both resources as well as blueprints to maintain equipment.

Industrial & Commerce Guild (ICG) - All routes leads to Terra and Industrial & Commerce Guild of Terra Star Expeditionary is looking to ensure some routes lead back to the frontier. Home to salvagers, miners, smugglers, merchants, arms dealers and tech moguls, away from home, TSE-ICG is always looking to gather more resources and have trade flowing in all ways. Utilizing a variety of ships ranging from Vultures to venerable generational Banu Merchantmans, this colorful subsidiary sells minerals, supplies, surplus equipment or produced exports to verified third parties.

Terra Star Security Solutions (T3S) - Terra Star Security Solutions is the result of a recent reformation programme within TSE to unify Star Fleet and Expeditionary Ground Forces under one militarized branch. T3S marks the expansion of security matters to not only perform self defense operations or pre-emptive strikes, but also to lend aid in allied operations.
Star Fleet, under the umbrella of T3S, acts as the aerial and space superiority force of Terra Star Expeditionary, capable of fielding various sizes of fighters, gunships and even UEE surplus Javelin-class Destroyers. Despite the wide range of available assets, most notable ship type of Star Fleet is the newly commissioned Polaris-class Corvette.
The Expeditionary Ground Forces is the terrestrial operations body operating under T3S. While primarily made out of platoon-sized infantry units, they are supported by a wide ranging arsenal of heavy weapons and vehicles, from FS-9 LMG to Nova Tonk.

Pathfinders Division – The Pathfinders Division is the pioneering arm of Terra Star Expeditionary and true carriers of frontier spirit, leading the way forward, both literally and figuratively. Their spearheading efforts in discovery are paramount to broadening the horizons of Terra Star Expeditionary. From scouting for resource fields to mapping new jump points, Pathfinders allow TSE to see further and go boldly where no man has gone before.

Star Saviors Initiative – Born as an extension to Terra Star Expeditionary's original mission of making settlements and the frontier accessible to the masses, TSE Star Saviors Initiative (TSE-SSI) offers an unique, entirely volunteer, opt-in way of existing Expeditionaries to make further differences in the lives of independent settlers, Civilians and UEE Citizens alike. Expeditionaries can become a Star Savior and receive or cease to be notified of emergencies with just one touch of a button.
By opting-in for Star Saviors Initiative, Expeditionaries are marked as available for medical rescue, ship recovery, refueling, rearming, to aid with a salvage operation or as quick response force against hostile forces, according to their capabilities.
Emergency Request Beacons, provided by Alliance Initiative Beacon System allows SSI volunteers to respond to requests that come through other channels as well as OD3ICA SpaceComms Relay Service.

Director - The commanding individual of Terra Star Expeditionary, the individual holding this rank oversees all elements, decisions and relations of the organization. Current holder of this rank and position is Michael "Shooter" Richards.
Vice Director - They are the right hand of the Director, aiding in all matters of Terra Star Expeditionary while carrying enough authority to oversee whole organization in Director's absence or when the situation calls for decisions to be made on the spot. In addition to their field duties, Vice Directors also assume outreach functions to maintain relations with other organizations.
Commander - Among Pioneers, those that show initiative, dedication and leadership potential stand out as Commanders. They assume several duties depending on the situation at hand, such as leading divisions within the organization, coordinating ongoing long term missions or taking initiative to pave the road for the Pioneers and Starman to follow. Existing Commanders may sponsor a Pioneer for promotion and Pioneers may also forward a candidate for promotion.
Pioneer - Journeyman who attain at least one mastery certification in a certain field are promoted once more, shining as bright examples and sources of knowledge for their specialization. Whether that be getting the most out of a capital ship or how to extract absolute most minerals out of a rock, they are recognized as experts of their field. In addition to being field experts, such distinguished members may also lead small scale initiatives.
Journeyman - Starman that have completed, passed or exempted from the Basic Training and got familiar with the organization are promoted to be Journeyman, becoming full-fledged members of the Terra Star Expeditionary. As more than fresh recruits, they form the backbone of the Terra Star Expeditionary. Journeyman are encouraged to further specialize by choosing a main division and begin their path of advanced training should they wish.
Starman - The new blood and fresh recruits of Terra Star Expeditionary. This rank acts as an introductionary period for the recruits, allowing them to familiarize themselves with inner workings of the organization and settle in. Auxiliary associates also shares this rank.
Starman are promoted to the next rank upon either completing Basic Training, testing out of Basic or showing that they are already somewhat experienced, ready to become the next generation of expeditionaries.
Screenshot taken by Lord Baron