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Power Plants



*Since new component distribution is unknown until Invictus Launch Week, this section is considered a placeholder until more information is gathered. Once the necessary information is available, the section will be updated with available components and pricing.

Quantum Drives

Powerplants are a ship's beating heart and pumping blood. Without sufficient power generated, a ship is a husk drifting in the void or crashing down into atmosphere.

Every component installed on a ship, be it a quantum drive or weapon, generates heat. To keep that heat away and a ship operational, coolers play a vital yet often overlooked role. While most commonly found coolers usually gets the job done, specialized coolers can keep signatures low or function in worst of conditions.

Shield generators generate a protective hull-conforming energy barrier around a ship to stop impacts, heat or electromagnetic damage. All ships and even most ground vehicles depend on those shield generators to survive dangerous encounters. While they are not that effective against ballistic fire, even then a good shield means taking less damage directly to armor for longer.

"A quantum drive is a type of engine that generates a Chan-Eisen field, enabling spacecraft to travel at approximately 20% of the speed of light." - Galactopedia


Since the creation of first human Quantum Drive in 2075, Quantum Drives, commonly referred as QDs play a crucial role in making all of us cover previously unthinkable distances in mere minutes or hours. A higher grade Quantum Drive is usually more fuel efficient or faster, yet exceptions apply.

Weapons - Ballistic

Weapons - Energy

Ballistic weapons include Gatling guns, repeaters, autocannons, scatterguns and missiles. They ignore %70 of the shielding of a ship. Useful for applying overwhelming amount of firepower to fighters or destroying parts of larger ships.

Energy weapons include Laser, Neutron and Distortion repeaters, cannons and scatterguns. Unlike ballistic weapons, these does not expend ammo. However they are limited by ship's capacitor and power generation. While they do not ignore shields, they melt away armor far quicker than ballistic weapons once shields are dealt with. Distortion weapons are unique in their capability to disable ships and disrupt components.

Terra Star Expeditionary™ 2954, All Rights Reserved

DISCLAMER: Terra Star Expeditionary (TSE) is a fictional player organization in the upcoming massively online multiplayer (MMO) space simulator STAR CITIZEN, currently under development by Cloud Imperium Games. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either elements of Star Citizen or used in a fictitious manner. TSE does not offer any real world services. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Star Citizen® and Roberts Space Industries® are registered trademarks of Cloud Imperium Games.

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